Happy Veterans Day! At a time when our country teeters on the words surrounding ‘patriotism’, I would like to acknowledge that this is one day worthy of celebration. So, why do I, an author of French and Italian culinary travel memoirs, choose to celebrate this particular holiday? Well, let me explain.
When I began to travel through Europe, I interviewed families about their traditions along with their favorite family recipes and histories. Invariably their story of war seeped out. Why was this, I wondered? What did this have to do with how people live their lives today? I found that there was, indeed, a direct correlation between a family’s survival during wartime to the dinner that was placed on the table each night. When you live with war on your doorstep, you never forget the terror, the fear, the loss of family members, and the deprivation one experiences. And you instill in those generations who succeed you, the values and lessons learned during those horrific times! You never forget!
I am not saying here that this was something each interviewee overtly expressed. But, over the course of time, and over seventy-five interviews in both France and Italy, it became a clear voice of direction. Family is of utmost importance; never take them for granted. Family time is sacrosanct!
And, along with these words of wisdom and understanding, they also expressed their profound gratitude to our U.S. veterans who fought so bravely for their freedom—now, over seventy-five years ago. It was with these words, John Shirley, a dear friend and a U.S. Army World War II veteran, encouraged me to “continue my research” and accompany their contingent of veterans and families on two separate tours on their ‘liberation route’ from the south of France, up the Rhone River and into Strasbourg. Those trips took place in 2009 and 2014 and proved to be monumental experiences. The French taught me how to value and appreciate our own U.S. veterans. And, also, family.
Now, unfortunately, many of those veterans have passed on. But, to John Shirley, the remaining stalwart soul, I raise my glass, and salute him. I celebrate him as the ‘hero’ he is and was to all those French men, women, and children we all were introduced to. And, from all of us within the United States, I say, ‘thank you!’ John.

For more about my previous posts celebrating our venerable veterans, CLICK HERE
As to the activities I’ve been involved in with my latest book, there have been a flurry of podcasts and blog posts written. And, near the end of October, I was featured on a Crowdcast with a lovely bookstore in Wake Forest, N.C. called Page 158 Bookstore.

So, what am I writing now? Actually, I am just finishing up Book Three of my Savoring the Olde Ways series. It’s my first foray into Italy and is called A September to Remember: Searching for Culinary Pleasures at the Italian Table.

It is due out April 27, 2021, and is already up on Amazon as a pre-order.
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