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Carole Bumpus – Author

Hi there!  Welcome to my author’s website! Come in and get to know me and discover why I am known as a ‘genre-straddler.’

Today, I would like to announce that Book Four of the Savoring the Olde Ways Series, Adventures on Land and Sea: Searching for Culinary Pleasures in Provence and Along the Cote d’Azur, will be published on November 12, 2024. It is available for pre-order. (Click on Image Below for More information)

Early Praise

The Good Life France

Watch for my newsletters and blog posts as that date gets closer.

Throughout the pages of my website, you will find information regarding my latest books, including my historical novel, A Cup of Redemption (2014), my companion cookbook, Recipes for Redemption (2015), and the first three of my Savoring the Olde Ways series.  Searching for Family and Traditions at the French Table, Book One was published August 2019, Book Two was published August 2020 and Book Three, A September to Remember: Searching for Culinary Pleasures at the Italian Table was published in April, 2021. 

In fact, I would like to “toot” my own horn here, as my Savoring the Olde Ways series was honored by winning a GOLD MEDAL for ‘Best Series’ for the year 2021! An unusual triumph and I could  not be more proud!  CLICK HERE for a three book special offer.

In fact, if you want to check out my blog posts, which gives you the most current happenings along my writing journey, sign up here.