July 15, 2020
It was a very busy month of June, and July has proven to be equally busy, despite—or maybe, because of—the continued pandemic restrictions. My real motivator has been “deadlines”. Yes, the weather has been beautiful and balmy, but I battened down the hatches (I was sometimes on our boat), strapped myself to my computer, and tried to ignore cooking. But who can do that with all the delectable seasonal produce calling my name? (Yes, I broke down and made my favorite gazpacho with avocado/jalapeno ice cream. If you would like the recipe, let me know.)

Searching for Family and Traditions at the French Table
Maybe you’ve heard. I have Book Two due to be published August 18, 2020! (Now available for pre-order)

Advance Praise for Book Two
“The author’s straightforward narrative delivers vivid imagery of both the surroundings and the people . . . An engaging gastronomic presentation of French history and culture.”
– Kirkus Reviews
Bumpus’ Searching for Family and Traditions at the French Table: Book Two is a culinary travelogue of French proportions . . . prose is lyrical, conveying the romance of France in each location, interview, and observation . . .attention to detail creates a rich sense of people and places . . . The food that Bumpus tastes and writes about is unforgettable, thanks to the array of included recipes with unusual names . . .Eloquent and packed with history, geography, and recipes, Searching for Family and Traditions at the French Table: Book Two is a melting pot text––a travel memoir that’s concerned with cuisine and culture, too. –Foreword Clarion Reviews
Bumpus weaves wonderful stories into her adventures. But, at the same time, she gives her readers fly-on-the-wall glimpses of ordinary family life, and the opportunity to savour with her the incredible cuisine of France. Whether you love France, enjoy discovering new things, want to try some of the traditional recipes at the end of this book, or just want a thoroughly enjoyable read, I highly recommend this book!
–A Good Life France
“…her conversational style easily draws the reader into the experience. An enjoyable book for those interested in France, WWII, and French food.”—Story Circle Book Reviews
This book captures the French people, their love of family and friends, their generosity, and their passion for sharing good quality fresh local food. The author has generously ended the book with a collection of some of the wonderful recipes for us to enjoy making in our kitchens, whilst embracing the flavors and traditions of French family life. . . . I would highly recommend this excellent book, and I am sure it will be enjoyed by anyone loving, France, cooking, traditions, and history. “TheColumbiaReview.com”

In May, I was honored to receive the Silver Medal for the Independent Publishers Book Award – Europe – Best Regional Non-Fiction – the medal arrived mid-June.
And, just when things couldn’t get any more exciting, I received the announcement that I was a Finalist in the Chanticleer Review Awards, also for Book One. The final awards will be announced mid-September at the annual Chanticleer Awards Banquet and Ceremony from Bellingham, WA. I heard it is quite an extravagant affair, but this year it will be held on Zoom. (BYOB – bring your own banquet!)

So, what has been part of my mad cap rush? What deadlines have been hovering in my midst? I have Book Three in my Savoring the Olde Ways series, due out next April 2021. This newest one, entitled, A September to Remember: Searching for Culinary Pleasures at the Italian Table is the book which sent me into a tizzy with the final manuscript—due today July 15th. Didn’t I just finish editing Book Two? Oh, my! Yes, these are good problems to have. But without the pandemic keeping me housebound, I can’t imagine how I would have finished these books in time. So, what did I miss? Has the 4th of July come and gone? Is summer over?
In the interim, I was featured on a podcast at Northern California Public Media (KRCB) in Santa Rosa on a program called ‘A Novel Idea,” along with another author with a culinary bent. This was a preview of Book Two coming out in August: https://norcalpublicmedia.org/a-novel-idea/a-celebration-of-food-and-family-with-two-award-winning-authors-on-a-novel-idea-sunday-at-10am Check out the live stream. (I’m about 35 minutes into the hour.)
I hope this newsletter finds you and yours staying safe and appreciating this moment in time. Great change is in the offing and it is up to all of us to help in that creative endeavor.
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