We did it! We are finally in the last month of 2020 – the year that was – or wasn’t, depending on how you experienced it. I do hope you took time to write down the changes that you and your family underwent, as this was a year for the record books. And your own records and observations count. You see, we all have stories to write and to tell.
Let me give you an example. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and even though this was a strange and silent holiday for many during the pandemic, one of my true treasures—pure pleasures—was digging through old recipe cards where I could light on one written in my mother’s script. What a joy to behold! To physically move my finger across her very words brought back such nostalgia and sweet memories—a physical connection to brighter moments. With her recipe in hand, I was able to recreate that treasure from my past which was worth all the energy it took to prepare the entire meal. You see, memory comes in so many ways—through reading, touch, smell, and taste, for instance. And cooking our family’s favorite traditional foods can only bring pure delight and a treasured note or recipe from the past is handed on to our future generations.
So, today, I am not only encouraging you to buy and read books—I’m an writer, so that’s a must—but I also would like to nurture your interest in writing–writing recipes, letters, notes, daily journals and all written down by long hand. You see, our future generations will never see the physical emails you’ve typed or even be able to discern your handwriting once you’re gone, so consider leaving a physical record that they too can embrace.
Now, as I have mentioned in past newsletters, I am still in the throes of completing the third book in my Savoring the Olde Ways series. It is my first book on culinary travel through Italy. The book is entitled, A September to Remember: Searching for Culinary Pleasures at the Italian Table. As you can imagine, I have a plethora of Italian recipes that could use a bit of a once through. If you are interested in testing one or two dishes from a list of the nineteen Italian recipes from all five regions I travel through in the book, just email me at: carolebumpus@gmail.com We had such great fun with the last book when eighty-two of you tested my French recipes. And, as you may remember, many of you now have your names in the back of Book Two, Searching for Family and Traditions at the French Table in the Acknowledgement section.
And. if you would like to pre-order the Italian book now, just click on the link below. It will be delivered to you in April 2021.

Available now for pre-order here
Armchair Travelers:
Speaking of Books One and Two of the French series, a delicious romp through the French countryside, I am offering a holiday combo special for the true Francophiles who missed out on their trip this year to France. I am offering both books at a holiday special discounted price. This will be for a short time only. Instead of purchasing each for the normal $16.95 + tax price, I will offer both books for a total of $30 withfree shipping and handling. Just click on the link below and let me know if you would like these books shipped to you, a friend or to a family member as a gift. Also, if you would like them inscribed, please let me know.

Also, if your book club is interested in getting together for a book/cooking event, I would love meeting with you all on Zoom, as we can make it such fun! Go to my website at: www.carolebumpus.com to leave a message, or contact me at carolebumpus@gmail.com I’m always just an email away!

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